The Struggles of Growing Up


Hey Friends!

This post is dedicated to all of you in your twenties. Now unlike many, I was absolutely dreading my twentieth birthday. Why? you might be wondering, and the answer is simple. Responsibility. I knew that turning twenty meant things were going to change, and I was not looking forward to that whatsoever.

Normally, one is supposed to have a plan of what they're going to do once their undergraduate studies are over. Nearing the end of my third year, I'm realizing how hard that actually is. Don't get me wrong, I've always had the plan that I would be whisked off to med school, get engaged to the love of my life, buy my own house, and basically become a self-sufficient adult. Unfortunately, not everything is going according to plan.

I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this post and I think that's the best description of what it feels like to be in your early twenties. You start off really well and have an idea of where you want to be, however you're not quite there yet, and you suddenly start to realize how behind you actually are. Not to mention you're competing with thousands of other applicants who want the exact same position as you, and who happen to have better grades, better extra curriculars, and sometimes even better hair. Have you resorted to the good old "10 ways to make my resume look kick ass" google search yet? Because I have.

I guess what I'm trying to say is you're not alone. If you feel like you're lost and you don't have your life figured out, that's okay! So for all of you twenty-somethings struggling to find your path in life, I'm challenging you to join me and together we'll figure this out. First things first we need to ask ourselves, what career am I working towards?


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